Member Harp Insurance with Anderson Insurance
Harp Insurance for Members in Good Standing

As a current member of the Norwegian Harp Association, you have the opportunity to get a reduced insurance coverage rate for your instrument through our partner Anderson Musical Instrument Insurance. For our special rates page on their website click here.
The musical instrument insurance experts at the Anderson Group have put together a special insurance program, including additional coverage and discounted rates, for active members of the Norwegian Harp Association. This policy is issued in the State of Florida, USA.
Anderson Musical Instrument Insurance Solutions, LLC has been devoted exclusively to insuring musician associations, orchestras, musical instrument dealers and collectors throughout the world offering “all risk” worldwide for over 30 years.
Highlights of the Harp Insurance Program
Rates as low as $.55 USD per $1,000 of insured value
Deductible as low as $250 USD.
[Pedal Harps] $165.00 USD minimum annual premium covers up to $25,455 USD of harps accessories
[Lever Harps] $125.00 USD minimum annual premium covers up to $16,293 USD of lever harps
“All Risk” Worldwide “Agreed Value” coverage included
Earthquake, flood and shipping coverage included
Want even MORE SAVINGS and rate protection?
Choose our 3-year guaranteed policy option. Pay 2.25 premiums up-front and we'll issue a fully paid up 3-year policy (subject to satisfaction of all underwriting requirements); an additional savings of 25% per year! Our "PAY 2.25 and GET 3" OPTION is available to members in good standing of the Harp Centre of Australia; membership verified annually during the 3-year policy term.